Daniel Noversa Featured in Sopcom’s GT Young Researchers
Daniel Noversa Featured in Sopcom's GT Young Researchers
0The UNESCO Chair on Freedom of Expression and the Knowledge Society of CIESPAL and the IMRESCOM Project on Media and Eco-Social Transition of the Laboratory of Communication and Culture with Andalucía of the University of Malaga will hold the Diálogos de las dos orillas: La Comunicación en la Transición Ecosocial (Dialogues of the Communities: The Dialogue of the Two Shores: Communication in the Ecosocial Transition), from June 4 to 20.
The session on June 11, entitled “Communication, Migrations and Peace”, will feature the participation of Rosa Cabecinhas.
The event will be broadcast live on CIESPAL’s YouTube and Facebook at 3:30 p.m.