International Seminar “Collective remembering, institutions, and cultural dynamics”

17 de April, 2023 | Gessica Borges | Event

On 17 April 2023 , at 14h30 GMT, the MigraMediaActs team hosted the International Seminar “Collective Remembering, Institutions and Cultural Dynamics”. The event took place in Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS),  University of Minho, in Braga, Portugal, with free entrance, and also online via zoom.

The seminar aimed to discuss how social representations of the past shape and are shaped by the present and how they influence the imagination of alternative futures. The dynamics of remembering and forgetting, both at individual and collective level (associations, media, educational institutions, museums, etc.) was debated taking into account multiple contributions in the field of social sciences and humanities, aiming to foster inter and transdisciplinarity, as well as the dialogue between academia and society in general.

The performance entitled “The Theatrical Improvisation in the São Bento School Grouping, Vizela. Practices in search of the present” was presented by dozens of high school students who were present, as well as teachers.

The event featured interventions by James H. Liu (Massey University, Aotearoa – New Zealand), Giovanna Leone (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy), Sheila Khan (Centre for Communication and Society Studies, University of Minho) and Fabiano Assis da Silva (Centre for Communication and Society Studies, University of Minho).

This meeting was organized under the MediaMigraActs project “Migrations, media and activisms in Portuguese language: decolonizing mediascapes and imagining alternative futures”, in partnership with the Seminar Communication and Diversity, of the Centre for Communication and Society Studies (CECS).


Information on speakers and presentations

Rosa Cabecinhas (Coordination), Alberto Sá, Gessica Borges, Isabel Macedo and Luiza Lins

Institute of Social Sciences – Sala de Atos
University of Minho
Campus of Gualtar
4710-057 Braga – Portugal


Event Pictures