Inequality as tradition: an intersubjectivity of domination

26 de December, 2023 | Gessica Borges | Publication

Despite the anti-racist norm that characterizes modernity, coloniality remains in contemporary soci-eties through various forms of structural and insti-tutional racism. This racial hierarchy is supported by meritocratic and colorblind beliefs that assume the superiority of Eurocentric traditions and morality. This system simultaneously defends white identities and their privileges and rationalizes and legitimizes ine-qualities. This work aims to discuss how this ideologi-cal system operates in the intersection between white and non-white identities, operating the cleavage and subalternization of difference. This quantitative and correlational study explores the associations between inequality, perceived threat, and racism, exploring the amplifying effect of power and conservatism as social dominance values. Data collected from 227 white people will be presented (137, 69.6% female and 87, 35.5% male). Results reveal that the experience of inequality is associated with the intensification of rac-ism through the intensification of perceived threats regarding racialized groups, and that the endorse-ment of social dominance values amplifies this effect. Based on these results, we discuss how inequality remains normalized in the dominant social narratives, taking advantage of historically constructed imagi-naries, reproduced in a hegemonic culture that main-tains racist, xenophobic and classist prejudices.Key Words: colonialism; racism; inequality; power; conservatism.

Cabral, J, Rebocho, M. & Pereira, A. C. (2022). Desigualdade como tradição: uma Intersubjetividade da dominação. Cadernos IS-UP, (2).