Cinema as a space for memory activism: an analysis of publicly funded film production in Portugal

1 de October, 2024 | Chisoka Simões | Publication

Cinema as a space for memory activism: an analysis of publicly funded film production in Portugal

Memory activism can be understood as a type of activism that aims to promote a greater diversity of stories in the public sphere, assuming that strategic reflections on the past and memory are crucial ways of transforming society. These reflections can take place in the most diverse contexts, such as protests in the streets or through the media, based on the long-silenced stories of people and social groups who have been discriminated against. In this article, we reflect on how cinema can constitute a spacefor memory activism by representing narratives of otherness and shedding light on social issues of great importance, such as migratory experiences, which have currently taken centre stage in audiovisual productions. To do this, we carried out an exploratory analysis of publicly funded film production in Portugal from 2018 to 2022 in order to analyse its main themes. All the synopses of films and other audiovisual productions (359) published during this period in the catalogues of the Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual (ICA) and available online were collected. This textual material was analysed using Iramuteq software. The analysis indicated the absence of terms such as “racism” or “social discrimination” in the synopses, even in productions that addressed these issues when portraying migratory experiences. Among the main themes were (i) artistic production and the arts in general, (ii) daily life and interpersonal relationships (e.g., family, friendship, love) and (iii) historical memory and conflicts. We also explored in more detail the short films produced during this period (120), which allowed us to identify counter-hegemonic narratives, reinforcing the role that cinema can play in combating societal amnesias.


Lins, L., Macedo, I., Cabecinhas, R., Alves Brasil, J., & Sá, A. (2024). O cinema como espaço de ativismo mnemónico: uma análise da produção cinematográfica com financiamento público em Portugal . Observatorio (OBS*), 18(3).