Daniel Noversa Featured in Sopcom’s GT Young Researchers
KEEP READINGMaster’s Thesis: “Representations of the Migrant Woman in Cinema. All the Dreams in the World seen by young people.” by Beatriz Ferreira Carvalho
KEEP READINGMaster’s Thesis “Audiovisual as a strategy for the social integration of young immigrants in the city of Porto: a case study of the Epifania Collective” by Renata Marques
KEEP READINGMaster’s Thesis Defense: IThe Limits of the Line – From the Changing Nature of Borders to Activism as Artistic Expression, by Bruno Mesquita.
KEEP READINGParticipation in the 21st Conference of the Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration – ETMU at the University of Tampere. November 7, 2024.
KEEP READINGSeries of Sessions: “Pathways to Engagement in the Areas of Culture, Times, Mobilities, and Migrations,” with Isabel Macedo (CECS/UM) and Rita Ribeiro (CECS/UM). November 11th at 6pm.
KEEP READINGLuiza Lins participated in the VIII IRAHSSE Conference (International Research Association for History and Social Sciences Education), ‘Values in History, Social Sciences, and Human Geography Education: Challenges for Schools and Teacher Education.’ October 21–23, 2024.
KEEP READINGSeminar “Intercultural Communication: Challenges and Reflections from the MigraMediaActs Project,” October 9th, Santiago de Compostela.
KEEP READING(A)TENSION by Bruno Mesquita on display at the conference room of Gnration in Braga. July 18th to 27th
KEEP READINGRosa Cabecinhas’ participation in the Diálogos de las dos orillas: La Comunicación en la Transición Ecosocial (Dialogues of the Two Shores: Communication in the Ecosocial Transition) event on June 11 at 3:30 p.m.