Daniel Noversa Featured in Sopcom’s GT Young Researchers
Daniel Noversa Featured in Sopcom's GT Young Researchers
0Call for Papers | Vol. 11, No. 2 | Migrations, Communication and Activism: Experiences and Debates | From January 15 to March 29, 2024
Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies
Editors: Isabel Macedo, Rosa Cabecinhas (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal) and Susana de Andrés (University of Valladolid, Spain)
Media narratives on migration often reinforce territorial and symbolic borders. It is essential to analyse migrants’ media interventions, including how they use the media to express their experiences, challenge these borders, and build alternative futures.
A situated and comparative analysis is central to understanding the dynamics of change generated by migrants and the role of the media in these processes. What stories are given visibility by the press? What amnesias remain? What dynamics do we observe in migrant and racialised people’s use of the media? Recognising the close connection between memory and action, mnemonic activisms have the potential to transform the present and shape future ones.
In this issue, we explicitly draw attention to migrant and racialised people’s use and practices of the media and their representation in the media. Drawing on approaches from communication studies and cultural studies, in dialogue with other areas of knowledge, the main objective of this issue is to explore how communication and migration studies can challenge existing notions of diaspora, identities, cultures, nation, family, literacy, digital networks, youth, body, gender, among others.
Empirical contributions addressing the following topics, as well as other media and migration issues, are welcome:
– Experiences of (im)mobility and their mediation
– Migration and ecotransition
– Cross-national comparisons of media practices in migration communication
– Media representations of migration
– Media culture, racialisation processes and intersectionalities
– Mediated experiences of family migration
– Media productions of migrant and racialised people
– Artistic practices and media uses among migrants
– Migration, media and action research
– Migration, media activism and social change
– Digital technologies in migration and border governance and management
– Migrations and decolonisation of knowledge
– Challenges and innovations in methodologies for communication and migration studies
– Intercultural and media communication
– Mnemonic activisms, arts and media
Proposal submission period (full manuscript): From January 15 to March 29, 2024
Papers can be submitted in English or Portuguese. The articles selected for publication will be translated into Portuguese or English, respectively, and must be published in full in both languages.
The Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is an open-access academic journal operating according to the demanding standards of the peer review system and operates in a double-blind review process. Each submitted paper will be distributed to two reviewers previously invited to evaluate it according to academic quality, originality, and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme of this journal issue.
Originals must be submitted through the journal’s website (https://www.rlec.pt/). If you are accessing the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies for the first time, you must register to be able to submit your article (register here).
The guide for authors can be found here.
For more information, please contact:rlec[at]ics.uminho.pt