Book presentation “Memories in a Time of Amnesia – Volume II – Exile without longing”

16 de November, 2023 | Gessica Borges | News

The presentation of Álvaro Vasconcelos’ new book, “Memórias em Tempo de Amnésia – Volume II – Exílio sem saudade” (Memories in a Time of Amnesia – Volume II – Exile without longing), took place at the Centésima Página bookshop in Braga on 16 November, 2023 at 6pm.

The event was attended by the author and presented by Rosa Cabecinhas and Roberto Merrill, with mediation by Sheila Khan.

The book is about “affirming the duty of memory about the brutality and misery of the Portugal of the patriarchal dictatorship and empire, remembering those who revolted in the name of freedom, in the multiplicity of voices of political activists, artists, association activists, at a time when democratic Europe was a land of asylum and anti-fascist solidarity.” (says the author on his website).