(A)TENSION by Bruno Mesquita on display at the conference room of Gnration in Braga. July 18th to 27th
KEEP READINGMacedo, I. & Vieira da Silva, T. (2024). Sistema de Financiamento ao Cinema e Audiovisual em Portugal 2012–2022. Políticas, Inquietações e Principais Mudanças. In M. Lameiras & H. Sousa (Coord.), Políticas da Comunicação: Hibridismos e Opacidades (pp. 95-118). Editora UMinho/CECS. https://doi.org/10.21814/uminho.ed.103.6
KEEP READINGCabecinhas, R. (2024). Reparar a Comunicação. Despatriarcalizar, Descolonizar e Ecologizar a Cultura Mediática. Vista, (13), e024009. https://doi.org/10.21814/vista.5597
KEEP READINGCommunication and Diversity Seminar: ‘The decolonial turn in Brazilian art’. June 27h at 2pm. Online.
KEEP READINGRosa Cabecinhas’ participation in the Diálogos de las dos orillas: La Comunicación en la Transición Ecosocial (Dialogues of the Two Shores: Communication in the Ecosocial Transition) event on June 11 at 3:30 p.m.
KEEP READINGSeminar “Weaving Antiracist Networks Brazil and Portugal: Education, Public Policies and Historical Reparation” and Presentation of the Book “Weaving Antiracist Networks III: Between Resistances and Emancipations”
June 14, 2024, 4:00 p.m., Aud. Eng. II [Ed. 16, UM – Campus de Gualtar]
Lins, L., Brasil, J. A., & Cabecinhas, R. (2024). “A história do meu país”: reflexões sobre a memória social e os futuros do passado nas narrativas de jovens portugueses. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 133(1), 97-120. https://doi.org/10.4000/11pr6
KEEP READINGMeeting of Contemporary Angolan Studies, Huíla, Angola. May 13, 2024.
KEEP READINGMaster’s Thesis Defense: Identities and representations in motion: a study on the animated film Coco, by Helena Nogueira.
KEEP READINGCommunication and Diversity Seminar on “Social representations of African History in the Angolan Education System”. April 11th, at 4:00 p.m.